Russian Essentials
This is a web-application developed by the University of Cambridge Language Centre for basic level students of Russian. Russian Essentials concentrates on basic language, with eight sections covering key spoken and written language.
Click on an image to view the full size version, and on 'Next' and 'Prev' buttons that appear near the top to view the other full-size images.
What computer do I need to run the web-application?
- A computer with a recent webbrowser (Firefox 3.0, Internet Explorer or later) and Flash 9.0 or later.
- Headphones are recommended.
How do I start the application?
- Unzip the files into a folder.
- Load the re_main.html file into a browser (Firefox is probably best, but any recent browser) and then follow the navigation from there.
- To make it easier for future access create a shortcut to the re_main.html file.
Contact us
Please make sure you have read the FAQ before you contact us.