Tobias talks about supplying parts to the auto industry - BEhereBEthere

Tobias talks about supplying parts to the auto industry

Tobias talks about supplying parts to the auto industry

Tobias, a German manager, discusses various issues relating to supply chain management in the auto industry.

Why study this course?

To revise and develop vocabulary and grammar
To increase knowledge of the business world
To understand a non-native speaker

Course Overview

1. First you watch an interview with a German manager. Topics include technology (forging vs casting); machining and assembly; Just-In-Time and Just-In-Sequence; ‘basic’ vs individualized cars; quality control. The script is available on the same page.

2. After the interview there is language analysis and vocabulary development.

3. Finally there is a test based on all the earlier material.


You will benefit from this course if your level is Intermediate (B1) or higher. Tobias has vocabulary and fluency at Advanced (C1) level, and grammar at Upper Intermediate (B2) level.

Top Tip

To maximize learning, review the course at spaced intervals. For example after one day, then again after a week, and then again after a month.