7 Great Resources for Teaching English through Songs and Music

Teaching English With Songs

Have you been seeking a way to liven up your online class and help your students learn English Grammar? How about some music? Songs get stuck in your head, whether you want them to or not. Let’s get songs stuck in our students’ heads that will help them learn English Grammar.

Here is a list of great resources to help get your students humming and learning.

English through Original Rap

Jason R Levine. aka Fluency MC, is a composer, entertainer and educator, who uses his enthusiasm to energize English Language learning around the world. His original rap compositions are created specifically to get your students “Relaxed, Repeating, and Remembering."  His YouTube Channel is full of resource to get those irregular verbs on instant replay in the minds of your students. Incidentally, Jase, who is also an  Ambassador and Knowledge Entertainer at WizIQ is hosting an ELT Festival on WizIQ right now, for free!  For the next month, Jase will be sharing innovative ELT Techniques with everyone who wants to learn them. Click here to learn more.

English through Catchy Pop Songs

-The Folks at English Video Lessons have everything that you need to teach ESL online. In addition to their many well organized and easily accessible videos, they also have a fine collection of popular songs with lyrics. From the Beatles to Coldplay to “Happy Birthday to You." You are certain to find songs that your students are familiar with, ready to go.

- TeflTunes has the most comprehensive song based lesson plans. This site shares plans organized by grammar learning goal or topic. For each song, there is a user-friendly worksheet, which could be completed with the class or as homework. A teacher could organize an entire curriculum around the suggested song and supporting materials. It might be the framework for your next ESL course! That said, the site does not provide the actual song. You have to look that up, elsewhere. There is also a small subscription fee for these materials.

-The PazWorks YouTube Channel can help you find the ideal song to demonstrate the “Use of Present Tense in Future Time Clauses," or “Illuminate the use of the Conditional tense." It was created by a mom and an ESL teacher who wanted to give her ESL students a place to explore and her kids to play safely. The site is replete with songs that clarify and provide catchy examples of many tricky aspects of English Grammar. Your students will be singing along to the channel and learning complicated grammar from their first click.

English for the Kiddies

-The Schoolhouse Rock Grammar Rock series is still the best all-purpose multi-media introduction to grammar for the elementary student. These short musical cartoon clips originally aired during Saturday morning cartoons on the US television network ABC in the 70s and 80s. The website has compiled links to digitized versions of the entire Schoolhouse Rock series. Introduce the corresponding Schoolhouse Rock as a video feed at the beginning of a new grammar unit. The songs are catchy and memorable—many adults who watched Schoolhouse Rock during Saturday morning cartoons can still remember the words.

-English Video Lessons also has a thorough section of Nursery Songs. There are the classic songs of childhood, such as “Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes," and “The Itsy Bitsy Spider." There are also songs that are particularly for teaching English, such as “The Short Vowel Song." Each of the songs has a YouTube video with lyrics.

English for the Christmas Season

Christmas Carols are ubiquitous in many parts of the world. If you can’t avoid ‘em, you might as well learn from them! ESOL Courses has a list of easy to sing and understand, repetitive, familiar Christmas tunes, with interactive quizzes. The songs are on YouTube, so they are all set to be used in the WizIQ classroom. There is every carol that you could want, ready to be sung.

More Resources

If you are looking for more resources for teaching grammar, be sure to check out 9 Killer Resources to Help You Improve Your Grammar by WizIQ. It outlines some of the best online resources for both students and teachers of English Grammar.


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I am a teacher, hiker, mother, dancer and home-maker. I have taught pre-school through SAT prep. I am exploring ways to create on-line learning communities for home-schooled middle school and high school students. In particular, I am starting a low-residency on-line middle school. I would like to help young people explore important ideas while enjoying their lives! You can learn more about my programs at www.onlineclassesforgroovykids.org.

1 Comment

  • Reply April 16, 2014

    Jennifer Paz

    Hi! I’m the owner of the PazWorks YouTube channel mentioned in the blog above. I wanted to provide a quick update! I recently decided to reorganize my ESL Resources and move them to a separate YouTube channel, my new WordsWithJenn channel. There, you’ll see all the songs on my former “Songs for ESL Students" playlist (which is still on PazWorks too) — plus many more that have been added. Please visit the new channel if you want updates because I will no longer be adding songs to the PazWorks playlist. I think you’ll enjoy the changes! Take a look here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC52Qf3LmevRQ_61vmZCQO1Q/playlists . And watch for my new website and free ESL lessons coming soon at http://www.wordswithjenn.com .

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