All Grammar games | TheSchoolRun

All Grammar games

Personification or imagery?
Space destroyer! Personification or imagery?
Simile or metaphor quiz
Battery chickens! Simile or metaphor?

How many eggs can you catch before they smash to the ground? You'll get a chance to play every time you spot a simile or metaphor.

Prefix of suffix quiz
Skidpan challenge! Prefix of suffix?

Spot the prefix or suffix for your chance to race on road, desert or ice and see how many crystals you can collect.

Even more homophones
Quicksand bunny! Even more homophones

Can you save the bunnies from sinking into the quicksand by spotting the homophones?

Spot the homophone
Designa pizza! Spot the homophone

Anyone for pizza? First choose the correct homophone to complete these sentences then pick your favourite toppings for your pizza. Yum!

Comparatives and superlatives quiz
Crystal cannon! Comparatives and superlatives

Fire the canon and hit as many crystals as possible... but you'll have to choose the right comparative or superlative.

Adverb or adjective quiz
Penalty shootout! Adverb or adjective?

Fancy yourself as a bit of a Beckham? See how many penalties you can score against the goalie... but you'll have to spot whether these words are adverbs or adjectives.

Spot more adverbs
Piggy feeder! Spot more adverbs

Can you spot the adverb? Get the questions right to feed the pig some yummy red apples.

Spot the adverb
Diving! Spot the adverb

Prepare to make a splash... but first you have to spot the adverbs in these sentences.

Grammar quiz
High jump! Grammar quiz

How high can you jump? Answer these grammar questions first to have a shot at the high jump competition.

Preposition challenge
50m Freestyle Swimming! Preposition challenge

Ready to make a splash? Answer these questions about prepositions correctly for your chance to compete in a 50m freestyle swimming race!

Questions mark or exclamation mark?
Shoot some hoops! Questions mark or exclamation mark?

Ready to shoot some hoops? Just decide if these sentences should end with a question mark or an exclamation mark to get your chance to play some basketball.

Apostrophes challenge
Cycling! Apostrophes challenge

Answer these questions on apostrophes to select a cyclist and race to the finish line. On your marks...

Spot the silent letter quiz
Bobble shoot! Spot the silent letter

Fancy shooting some blobs? You'll need to spot the silent letter in these words first though!

Capital letters practice quiz
Zoo Lander! Capital letters practice

Can you control the zoo lander to land the animals on the platform? You'll need to put the capital letters in the right place in these sentences first though!

Semi-colon or conjunction quiz
Designa pizza! Semi-colon or conjunction?

Anyone for pizza? First choose whether each sentence needs a semi-colon or conjunction then choose your favourite toppings for your pizza. Yum!

Comma, colon or semi-colon quiz
Crystal cannon! Comma, colon or semi-colon?

Fire the canon and hit as many crystals as possible... but you'll have to answer some questions on commas, colons and semi-colons first.

Noun or adjective quiz
Penalty shootout! Noun or adjective?

Fancy yourself as a bit of a Beckham? See how many penalties you can score against the goalie... but you'll have to spot whether these words are nouns or adjectives.

Nouns and proper nouns quiz
Piggy feeder! Nouns and proper nouns

Can you spot the nouns and proper nouns? Get the questions right to feed the pig some yummy red apples.

Parts of a sentence quiz
Powerboat river! Parts of a sentence

Do you feel a need for speed? Answer these questions about sentences for a chance to race your powerboat on the water. See how fast you can complete each section!
