English for Alya и не только: Детские стихи Джона Фостера на английском языке (Children's poems by John Foster)

Джон Фостер - современный детский писатель из Великобритании
Джон Фостер
Джон Фостер - один из известнейших и любимейших современных детских поэтов Великобритании. Он  много лет сотрудничает с издательством Oxford University Press и написал уже 12 детских книг. Джон также является автором многочисленных антологий поэзии для детей. До того, как стать профессиональным писателем, он 20 лет проработал учителем английского в Оксфордшире, где и живет поныне.

Его стихотворения отличаются легкостью и простотой запоминания и наверняка понравятся вашему ребенку. Обучение детей английскому - дело непростое и стихи этого замечательного поэта вам обязательно помогут сделать обучение вашего ребенка английскому языку не нужной обязанностью, а праздником.

Вот некоторые из его стихов:

Shampoo Sally

Shampoo Sally

Washing her hair

Splashing soapsuds everywhere.
Soapsuds in the water,

Soapsuds in the air,

Soapsuds here and soapsuds there.
Shampoo Sally

Rinsing her hair,

Splashing water everywhere.
Water on the bath mat,

Water on the floor,

Water dripping down the bathroom door.
Shampoo Sally

Washing her hair,

Soapsuds and water everywhere.

Shampoo Sally doesn't care.


Bouncing Ben

Bouncing Ben bounced on the bed,

Bounced to the ceiling and banged his head.

Bouncing Ben landed on the floor.

Bouncing Ben with his bottom sore.

Bouncing Ben lying on his bed,

A bump on his bottom and a lump on his head.


Magic Horse

John Foster - Magic Horse
Black horse,

Magic horse,

Carry me away,

Over the river,

Across the bay

To the sandy beach

Where I can play.

Black horse,

Magic horse,

Carry me away,

Over the seas

To the forest trees

Where I can watch

The tiger cubs play.

Black horse,

Magic horse,

Carry me away,

To Arctic snows

Where the cold wind blows

Where I can watch

The polar bears play.

Black horse,

Magic horse,

Carry me away,

To golden sands

In faraway lands

Where the sea is blue

And I can play all day.


Ten Dancing Dinosaurs

John Foster - Ten Dancing Dinousaurs
Ten dancing dinosaurs in a chorus line

One fell and split her skirt, then there were nine.

Nine dancing dinosaurs at a village fete

One was raffled as a prize, then there were eight.

Eight dancing dinosaurs on a pier in Devon

One fell overboard, then there were seven.

Seven dancing dinosaurs performing magic tricks

One did a vanishing act, then there were six.

Six dancing dinosaurs learning how to jive

One got twisted in a knot, then there were five.

Five dancing dinosaurs gyrating on the floor

One crashed through the floorboards, then there were four.

Four dancing dinosaurs waltzing in the sea

A mermaid kidnapped one, then there were three.

Three dancing dinosaurs head-banging in a zoo

One knocked himself out, then there were two.

Two dancing dinosaurs rocking round the sun

One collapsed from sunstroke, then there was one.

One dancing dinosaur climbed aboard a plane,

Flew off to Alaska and was never seen again.

Из книги DINOSAUR POEMS (Oxford University Press)

Christmas Wishes

If I had three Christmas wishes

My first wish would be

For an end to hunger and poverty.
If I had three Christmas wishes

My second would be for

An end to violence, hatred and war.
If I had three Christmas wishes

My third wish would be

That we take proper care of the land and the sea.


А это стихотворение мне нравится больше всего - вот какие они ужасные, эти учителя.

Teachers! Teachers!

Teachers! Teachers!

They’re the strangest creatures.
Miss Twitch is a warty witch.

Mr Bryant is a bone-crunching giant.

Miss Blake is a poisonous snake

And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Teachers! Teachers!

They’re the strangest creatures.
Mr Gizzard is a wicked wizard

Miss O’Toole is a gruesome ghoul.

Mrs Benneton is a bony skeleton.

And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Teachers! Teachers!

They’re the strangest creatures.
Mr Sweaty is a hairy yeti.

Mrs Flagon is a fire-breathing dragon.

Mr Duke is a grisly spook

And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Teachers! Teachers!

They’re the strangest creatures.
Mr Cape is a ginormous ape.

Miss Spatula has fangs like Dracula

Mr Knoll is a fearsome troll

And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Teachers! Teachers!

They’re the strangest creatures.
Miss O’Keith has bloodstained teeth.

Mr Yoga is a grotesque ogre.

Mr Dread is a headless head

And Mrs Abercrombie is a crazy zombie.
Teachers! Teachers!

They’re the strangest creatures.


Это только некоторые стихотворение этого замечательного поэта, если вы хотите узнать о Джоне Фостере больше, вы можете посетить его персональный блог John Foster Children's Poet, а купить его книги вы можете на сайте 

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OZON.ru - Книги | Oxford First Rhyming Dictionary | John Foster | Купить книги: интернет-магазин / ISBN 978 0 19 911682 9OZON.ru - Книги | Oxford First Rhyming Dictionary | John Foster | Купить книги: интернет-магазин / ISBN 978 0 19 911682 9

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